domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

OVNI -_-


Last Saturday night, my dad and I went to visit to see my uncles who lived in Palmira. For that my father had to drive his car for two hours. We leave at five in the afternoon, with the intention of reaching seven in the evening. The road was long and my father hurried driving, everything was fine until when the distance we saw a bright light, my father followed that light and stop the car in the forest .In the sky something happened, at first we thought it was just a shooting star. then we decided to camp in the woods to find out it was that bright light, the weather was cold, we look for firewood to keep warm. Thirty minutes later appeared on the sky two bright spheres moving at high speed. My dad told me to hide, that flying saucer were  and we  were in danger, but it was only for a moment as if by magic disappeared in the sky. After this event my dad and I arrived at the house of my uncles with scared but alive next day.

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016




-The Sapa Inca owned everything
-He ruled everything. He made all the laws
-Each Sapa Inca put his relatives, along with the nobles, in positions of power, to help him rule the Inca empire

- Governed Peru president

-The laws are decided in assemblies
- You get power democratically

- Children of the Sun
-They believed every mountain peak was either the home of a god or an actual god.
- The Inca conducted sacrifices of person at every festival
- They mummified their dead
- Children of the God
- It is a natural elevation

- At parties they do not sacrifice people
- The dead were not mummified


-  Only the Sapa Inca could wear a special  clothes of gold and every day was changed
- The men wore a sleeveless tunic. When the weather was chilly, they also wore a cloak and sandals
- The women wore one piece dresses that reached to their ankles and was tied at the waist. When the weather was cold, women wore shawls held by a pin in the front
-The  millionaires can wear clothes Gold

- The men wear jeans, shorts, cap.etc.

- The women wear blouses, skirts, sweater etc.


- Nobody went hungry in the Inca empire
- Stored food was dried and kept in special buildings

- There are beggars

- The  food not dried in the buildings

- The cities were safe. Rather than build walls around their cities, each city had a fortress built beside it.
- Cities were built around a central plaza
- The Incas loved shiny things. The nobles decorated their doors with gold etc
- The houses are made of cement

- The houses are everywhere

- There are few luxury homes


- Men cut their hair short in the front and kept it somewhat longer in the back
- Women wore their hair long, parted in the middle
- There are different hair styles from short to long in the women and men


-They carried bows and spears and cords with three stones at one end
- The police have guns , machine guns etc.


- when you were stealing , they cut the hand or feet. If they survived had hard work
- If they steal or kill only they go to jail

- One of their specialized professions for the common people was that of sorcerer
- The Inca army was very well organized
- There are many professions teacher. architect , doctor, professor of computer science, economists etc.

- The Inca never invented the Wheel
- The common people should ask permission to walk on the roads
-There are cars

- people walk freely on the roads

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

People Famous

Think of two famous people from your country. Write a short article for the school’s English magazine comparing them.


-Maykel Cedeño
He has brown eyes, he has black hair, he is young, he is 17 years old, he is handsome, he is short, he is thin, he is singer, he likes to play soccer, he is fun, and he is very friendly.

-Carlo Jose Matamoros
He has brown eyes, he has black hair, he has 40 years old, he is handsome, he is medium height, he is chubby, he is an actor, he likes showbiz, he is very fun and he is friendly.


Maykel is thin than Carlos, Carlos is medium height than Maykel, Maykel is younger than Carlos, Carlos is heavier than Maykel.

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

An interesting day

The last Sunday, I woke up at 7am, had to go to visit my cousin you had a football game on the South Grandstand . I went an hour later, walking to the bus stop, there were many people and buses did not stop, at the moment they played the Aucas and National and had a lot of traffic

They spent 20 minutes was still waiting for the bus, five minutes later a guard informed us that for is not there, and told us to move toward the other stop ,  get an empty bus, while people came hastily, they trampled on me and took me shoe, was many people, I was looking for my shoe and found it, carry it in my hands, I got on the bus and for a moment I thought there was no one and I put on my shoes when a girl been looking all and laughs, and the people who were with me saw me and laughed too, was very funny, arrive 40 minutes late which was playing my cousin, the first half ended, and in the second half they started playing. I enter to play 75 minutes, but moments afternoon I made a gol and was the only one, they paid me 10 dollarsl, it was a great day Sunday.